
Stop your pet’s tear stains in their tracks!

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If your pretty, white pet has tear stains, you know just how annoying those stains can be.  Those stubborn red stains that appear under your pet’s eyes are from a condition called epiphora. Epiphora, an overflow of tears, is caused by excessive tear production or insufficient tear drainage. Over time, your pet’s tears start to accumulate under the eye and cause the reddish staining. Not only does it cause staining, but it can also cause bacteria to build up under the eye and cause irritation.

Many pet parents think it may be impossible to get rid of these unsightly stains; however, Angels’ Eyes Soft Chews is one of the quickest and easiest ways to rid your pet of tear stains. It works by tying up circulating porphyrins (tear pigments), which ultimately prevents tearing. instead of removing tear stains temporarily like other removers, Angels’ Eyes works from the inside out. All you have to do is give your pet up to two yummy soft chews daily (depending on your pet’s weight).

These soft chews come in chicken flavor or an all-natural formula, which is great for pets with food sensitivities. Angels’ Eyes Soft Chews can be given to both dogs and cats, and both formulas are free of artificial colors, corn or wheat, so you can feel good about what you are giving your pet.

Remember, before introducing any new product to your pet, you should speak to your vet first. Your vet may also want to inspect your pet’s eyes to make sure they are free of debris, which may be causing the excessive tear production.

Pet Health

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