
Be Kind to animals Week may 3-9

Be Kind to animals Week” is sponsored by the American Humane Organization.  It celebrates the function animals play in our lives as well as promotes methods to treat them humanely.

We celebrate the bond we have with our own pets each as well as daily by loving them, taking care of them, as well as basking in the uncondtional like they provide us in return.   “Be Kind to animals Week” may be an chance for us to keep in mind animals who are not as fortunate as our pets.  Some recommendations on exactly how pet parents can take part in “Be Kind to animals Week” are:

– Donate cash, pet food, or feline litter to your regional shelter.

– Volunteer as a fost parent with a regional rescue group.

– Volunteer with your regional shelter.

– Make a donation to your preferred shelter.

– appreciate wildlife.

– report animal abuse.

Ingrid King

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2 comments on Be Kind to animals Week may 3-9

Ingrid says:

May 5, 2009 at 9:06 am

What a lovely as well as thought-provoking quote. thanks for sharing it with us!


blackkitt says:

May 4, 2009 at 9:53 pm

Be kind to animals daily – by not eating them.

“What is it that should trace the insuperable line? …The concern is not, Can they reason? nor, Can they talk? but, Can they suffer?”
– Jeremy Bentham, philosopher, regarding vegetarianism


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Tips to minimize Shedding in Dogs as well as Cats

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Excessive shedding is one of the most typical complaints of animal guardians, particularly during specific times of year. routine grooming as well as shampooing with natural shampoos such as 1800PetMeds Oatmeal & Aloe Shampoo as well as Conditioner can assist eliminate dander, allergens as well as loose hair. I have discovered nutritional supplements work much better than topically used products to assist with shedding.
The a lot of crucial consideration is whether an animal is on a great diet. To assist minimize shedding, I suggest a natural diet plan made with whole meats or meat meals as well as preserved naturally without any type of by-products or man-made additives or preservatives. Pet food diets such as Halo as well as Nature’s range are examples of exceptional brands.

For pet owners thinking about making homemade diets for their pet, I would refer to the book Dr. Pitcairn’s guide to natural health and wellness for Dogs as well as Cats by Richard Pitcairn, DVM, PhD for the component proportions of his healthy powder, which can considerably assist minimize shedding as well as improve coat quality. The primary components of the healthy powder include kelp powder, lecithin granules, powdered vitamin C, bone meal as well as nutritional torula yeast.  These can all be integrated as well as added as a single supplement to a natural diet plan to assist cut down on shedding.  In addition, digestive tract enzymes as well as probiotics such as NaturVet Enzymes, in addition to Omega 3 fatty acids such as incredibly Pure Omega 3 as well as  Nordic Naturals likewise make excellent supplements that can assist minimize shedding as well as improve health and wellness as well as well-being.

Have you discovered a product or nutritional supplement to substantially assist minimize your pet’s shedding? Share your experienced with us in the comments below!

Shedding ControlSkin as well as Coat


The ultimate cat house

most of us consider our homes cat friendly. We provide scratching posts, cat trees, and lots of toys to keep our feline family members pleased and entertained. but how numerous of us have an entire house that was designed specifically for cats?

A family in Japan does. The Cats’ house was designed by the Japanese architectural firm Fauna+DeSIGN for an avid cat lover.

The house, owned by a family with 16 cats and 5 dogs, features beautifully designed modern furniture and various structures that were created especially for cats: shelves and platforms with rounded corners, bookcases that work like stairs, hidden tunnels and passageways, catwalks on the ceilings, a floor-to-ceiling scratching post and all kinds of other goodies meant for discovering, climbing, playing and of course sleeping. The architecture is very open and invites a lot of natural light to every room.

Be sure to check out The Cats’ house website and look around. I don’t know Japanese, but the page headers are in English, and it’s well worth clicking around for much more images of this stunning house.

Here’s a video to give you an idea about what this amazing house looks like:


Ingrid King

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13 comments on The ultimate cat house

Fernando says:

January 20, 2019 at 9:16 am

how are the shelves done I’d like some for my cat


Julia Williams says:

August 12, 2011 at 12:45 pm

Now THAT is what you call “devoted to felilnes.” There was a similar house featured on should love Cats. They are like indoor kitty playgrounds, and the humans are just allowed to live there. MOL.


maru says:

August 11, 2011 at 1:19 pm

Oh My… the boys at home would certainly love that.

Thinking about it, it might not be so challenging to copy -being a copycat- a bit of the design and try somenthing… let’s think a bit much more and see what comes out.


Ingrid says:

August 11, 2011 at 3:45 pm

If you decide to copy it, we want pictures, Maru!


maru says:

August 11, 2011 at 6:22 pm

Sure! ?


Layla Morgan Wilde says:

August 11, 2011 at 12:08 pm

Now that’s proof of an avid cat lover!


Ingrid says:

August 11, 2011 at 3:45 pm

And then some, Layla!


Luna Kitty says:

August 11, 2011 at 11:37 am

Meowzers! That looks amazing.. I want..
-Luna Kitty


Ingrid says:

August 11, 2011 at 3:45 pm

Allegra and Ruby do, too, Luna Kitty!


Heather and fluffy says:

August 11, 2011 at 9:35 am

We are absolutely bowled over by this amazing architectural gem! Heather can actually understand Japanese so if any of you want to know what something says on the site, feel totally free to ask ?


Ingrid says:

August 11, 2011 at 3:45 pm

Isn’t it amazing, Heather and Fluffy?


Sammy, One spoiled cat says:

August 11, 2011 at 6:55 am

WOW! What cat wouldn’t want this?!?! I’m putting this on my Santa Paws wish list best NOW!

Sammy, One spoiled Cat


Ingrid says:

August 11, 2011 at 10:06 pm

You, Allegra and Ruby, Sammy! Santa is going to have a full sleigh, bringing all these houses!


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Dog walking Tips: how To have the best Experience

This post may include affiliate links. We may earn money or products from the companies discussed in this post.
Walking your canine is fun for both of you. You both get fresh air and exercise. 
It’s the highlight of your dog’s day. and a terrific way to bond with you.
But there are some things that you may inadvertently be doing that can spoil the walk for your dog.
And there are numerous things we ought to consider concerning our walks.

Today we are going to talk about our best canine walking suggestions to help you better delight in your outings with your best pal.
What Are the benefits of canine Walking?
There are so numerous reasons to walk your dog. Some are social and others offer physical and mental exercise.
Physical exercise and health Benefits
Both you and your canine physically benefit from a walk. 
If I didn’t have dogs to walk, I wouldn’t delight in walking. The dogs make the walk FUN!

How far you’ll walk your canine depends on his age, breed(s), size, and health.
Walks help with weight management. They also help with cardiovascular fitness, to lower blood pressure, and to lower stress.
Dogs who have a sufficient amount of exercise are less likely to become obese, which can result in other diseases such as cardiovascular and liver disease, osteoarthritis, and insulin resistance.
Walking can also improve digestive and urinary tract health.
It also helps your dog’s mental health. He’ll have mental stimulation on his walks and won’t be as lonely as he would be without them.
Your dog’s also less likely to engage in destructive behavior as he won’t be bored.
As a general guide, a walk of 30 minutes is good for many dogs. Of course, if your canine is just starting to take walks, start with five or 10 minutes.
But remember that, for some dogs, even a long walk may not be enough exercise. For example, Australian shepherds, Labrador retrievers, and Rottweilers when young will require much more physical and mental stimulation than a walk will provide.

Social Benefits
Of course getting out and about offers your canine with new experiences. He’ll be stimulated by new sights, sounds, and scents. 
And he may meet new friendly people and dogs.
Walking also furthers your bond together.
But it’s also a time you may get to meet new people. I’ve made numerous new acquaintances and friends while walking my dogs.
It’s an ice breaker when people ask about my dogs. Of course, we all love talking about how terrific our dogs are.
Behavioral Benefits
Walking your canine helps with his behavior. You can train him how to carry out his obedience commands and tricks while on his walks.
He’ll learn how to behave in the real world, not just at home.
Your pup will also be less likely to engage in unwanted behaviors.
Opportunity for Training
When your canine is ready to work around distractions, practicing his commands while on the walk offers a real-life opportunity to train him.

How Do We unintentionally destroy Our Dog’s walk ?
Sometimes we inadvertently destroy our dog’s walk. We’re always in a rush and don’t “take time to smell the roses.” Or, in a dog’s case, the fire hydrant.
Of course, you take your canine out for him to get some exercise and even to go to the bathroom.
Often, though, we rush him and don’t let him have some down time to just sniff and look around. 
Although I like to keep a stable pace when walking my dogs, I also give them some time during the walk to sniff around while on leash.
I taught them a “sniff” cue that lets them know they can have a break from walking.
It’s fun and informational to them. Dogs communicate with the world during their restroom breaks.
Sniffing another dog’s urine tells your canine who’s been there. 

Your pup can learn about other dogs in the community–their age, gender, and health. It’s typically referred to as “pee-mail.”
Dogs may even scratch the ground and special glands between their toes can leave extra scent on the ground. So it’s much more information for your canine to read or leave for the next lucky pup to come along.
Dogs have up to three million scent receptors, whereas we have only five or six million. So not allowing them to have some time during a walk to sniff really deprives them of something essential that comes naturally to them.
Dogs experience the world with their noses.
Important considerations for Your Walk
Before you even head out on a walk, there are numerous things to consider, such as the route you’ll take and the weather. 
The Weather
It’s essential to check the weather while you plan your walk. If it’s too hot during the main part of the day, it’s essential to go on your walk during a cooler time, sunullnull

NAVC as well as HABRI introduce Human-Animal Bond Veterinary accreditation

The Human animal Bond research study Institute (HABRI) as well as the North American Veterinary neighborhood (NAVC) have introduced a new accreditation program for practicing veterinarians, veterinary nurses as well as veterinary method managers – Human-Animal Bond Certified. 

Through a series of on the internet modules set up by professionals in the field of human-animal interaction science, veterinarians, veterinary nurses as well as veterinary method managers can now establish a formal comprehending of the research study demonstrating the health and wellness benefits of pet ownership as well as human-animal interaction, as well as discover exactly how finest to utilize that understanding in the method of veterinary medicine.

“Human-Animal Bond licensed will ended up being the new gold common for veterinarians seeking to engage their clients in a meaningful as well as efficient way,” stated Tom Bohn, CEO of NAVC. “Through an simple on the internet interface that can be completed at an individualized pace, the accreditation will support every element of a veterinary practice, from much better client dialogue as well as compliance to improved monetary performance.”

“NAVC is a excellent partner for HABRI, integrating human-animal bond science with an unparalleled academic experience for participants in the course,” stated Steven Feldman, HABRI executive Director. “This accreditation will assist veterinarians, veterinary nurses as well as method managers comprehend the science of the human-animal bond, utilizing that understanding to enhance client relationships, enhance animal care as well as improve method wellness.”

Veterinarians will get from spreading the human-animal bond message. According to a recent HABRI survey of pet owners, veterinarians are a trusted resource for scientific info on the human health and wellness benefits of pets, as well as vets have an chance to additionally enhance their connections with pet owners. When 2,000 pet owners were informed about the human health and wellness benefits of pet ownership:

92% stated they were a lot more likely to preserve a pet’s health, including keeping up with vaccines as well as preventive medicine

89% stated they were a lot more likely to preserve a pet’s health, including routine check-ups with a veterinarian

88% stated they were a lot more likely to supply a pet with higher high quality nutrition

51% stated they were a lot more likely to purchase pet health and wellness insurance

62% stated they were less likely to avoid sees to the veterinarian

89% stated they were a lot more likely to take much better care of a pet

Veterinarians, already checked out favorably by 97% of pet owners, are likewise checked out as crucial messengers for scientific info on the health and wellness benefits of pets, particularly by millennial pet owners:

66% of pet owners (77% of millennials) would have a a lot more positive view of their veterinarian if they discussed the health and wellness benefits of the human-animal bond with them

61% of pet owners (74% of millennials) would be a lot more likely to see their veterinarian if they discussed the health and wellness benefits of the human-animal bond with them

“With 98% of pet parents thinking about their family pets to be crucial members of the family, ending up being Human-Animal Bond licensed will provide veterinarians the tools they requirement to secure these relationships,” added Bohn.

To assemble the program material, HABRI as well as the NAVC convened a group of highly-qualified veterinarians, researchers as well as academics, lots of of whom have assisted development our comprehending of just exactly how much family pets enhance our health and wellness as well as well-being with their own research. The American Veterinary medical association (AVMA) was a crucial contributor, serving as a Founding academic partner for the certification.

HABRI co-founders Zoetis as well as Petco are Premier Sponsors for the Human-Animal Bond accreditation course, together with PetSmart Charities, reflecting their longstanding commitment to scientific research study as well as education on the healing power of the human-animal bond.

For a lot more info about the Human-Animal Bond Certification, visit NAVC.com/HAB.


50% Off The mindful feline 2014 wall calendar – offer ends Monday!

now is the time to purchase your 2014 mindful feline wall calendar – all calendars are 50% off! routinely priced at $23.50, you can now get your calendars for only $11.55! however hurry, offer ends Monday.

The calendar features Allegra as well as Ruby in beautiful, four color photos. Tortie lovers, to my knowledge, this is the only calendar on the market that solely features tortoiseshell cats.

Click right here to purchase
Only $11.55 per calendar!

To order, as well as to purchase our other products, please go to The mindful feline Zazzle Store. utilize code VETERANDAY13 at checkout.

Conscious feline Sunday will return next week.

Ingrid King

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Jackson Galaxy names elegant Cats Resue team shelter of the Month

Every month, Jackson Galaxy assigns a rescue group or shelter as his shelter of the Month. I’m thrilled to reveal that elegant Cats Rescue  Team, based in Herndon, VA, is his shelter of the Month for November.

I’ve supported elegant Cats Rescue team at a number of fundraisers for the past couple of years. This terrific organization was established in 1997, as well as has progressed into one of the largest rescue groups in northern Virginia. elegant Cats Rescue team has put a lot more than 18,000 cats in long-term houses considering that its inception! A team of over 100 volunteers helps with anything from showing cats to prospective adopters at three northern Virginia Petsmart locations, to fostering, to assisting with fundraising as well as administrative work.

Buy a tee shirts as well as support elegant Cats Rescue Team

The November shelter of the Month is sponsored by Jackson’s own company, Spirit Essences. extra sponsors are Sunny Seat, stretch as well as Scratch, as well as Res•Q•Threads, who created the magnificent tee shirts shown above. $10 of every tee shirts purchase goes directly to elegant Cats Rescue Team. Click right here to purchase a t-shirt.

Meet Pablo

Pablo is only one of the lots of cats you will be assisting if you support elegant Cats Rescue team.

Pablo is a senior kitty who is a survivor. He contracted a viral infection which spread to his eyes. Eventually, he requirement surgical treatment on both eyes, as well as likewise needed a feeding tube for rather some time. His caring foster mom, with the assist of his veterinarian, nursed him with a number of surgeries. even though his vision won’t be perfect, he is able to see. He is a extremely special feline who brings peace as well as happiness to all who satisfy him, be they human or feline. Paolo still has some healing to do, however in the process, he seems to be healing everybody who comes into get in touch with with him. For a lot more info about this extremely special, cat, take a look at his Petfinder profile.

For a lot more info about Jackson Galaxy as well as Spirit Essences, please see .

For a lot more info about elegant Cats Rescue Team, please see .

Ingrid King

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Sen. Thad Cochran Receives 2016 AVMA Advocacy award

​(WASHINGTON, D.C.) July 28, 2016—The American Veterinary medical association (AVMA) has named Sen. Thad Cochran (R-Miss.) recipient of its 2016 Advocacy Award. Cochran, who accepted the award at a personal ceremony in Washington, D.C., was acknowledged for his many positive contributions to the advancement of impactful regulations in behalf of the veterinary profession.

“Sen. Cochran has long comprehended the vital function veterinarians play in protecting animal health and wellness as well as welfare, bolstering food security as well as security, as well as advancing animal science,” stated Dr. Joe Kinnarney, AVMA president. “He has a strong legislative record in support of the veterinary profession. I congratulate him on this well-deserved award as well as say thanks to him for his many years of advocacy in behalf of veterinary medicine.”

Cochran championed the national Veterinary medical service Act in 2003, which established the Veterinary medicine loan Repayment Program. To date, more than 300 veterinarians have took part in the program, which locations veterinarians in underserved neighborhoods in exchange for loan repayment. Cochran supports regulations to make the awards exempt from federal withholding tax, which would permit more veterinarians to be chosen for the program in the future. His other advocacy efforts include:

Serving as a chief co-sponsor of regulations establishing the new Veterinary services grant Program, which passed in the 2014 farm expense as well as will assist inform as well as train veterinarians for rural practice, as well as assist bolster veterinary methods in rural areas.

As a leading appropriator, ensuring veterinarians have federal resources needed to bolster food security as well as animal health, to conduct animal illness surveillance as well as lab diagnostics, to protect animal welfare as well as advance animal science.

Co-sponsoring more than a lots expenses throughout the years that advance animal health and wellness as well as the standing of the veterinary profession.

Cochran has had a long, distinguished career in government. In 1972, he was elected to the U.S. Congress for the fourth District, which included 12 counties in southwest Mississippi, as well as was re-elected in 1974 as well as 1976 with over 70 percent of the vote. In 1978, Cochran was elected to the U.S. Senate, ending up being the very first Republican in more than 100 years to win a statewide election in Mississippi. He has since been re-elected six times as well as is currently serving his seventh term in office. In the present 114th Congress, Cochran serves as chair of the Senate committee on Appropriations as well as chair of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense. He likewise is a senior member on the Senate committee on Agriculture, Nutrition as well as Forestry, as well as serves on the Senate committee on rules as well as Administration.

# # #

The AVMA, established in 1863, is one of the oldest as well as largest veterinary medical organizations in the world, with more than 88,000 member veterinarians around the world participated in a wide range of expert activities as well as devoted to the art as well as science of veterinary medicine.

Bichon Frise For The Win! Westminster Kennel Club pet dog show Crowns 11th “Best in Show” champion In 12 Years Fueled By Purina pro plan

Flynn Wins “Best in Show” at the 2018 Westminster Kennel Club pet dog Show

For the 11th time in 12 years, the “Best in Show” winning pet dog at the Westminster Kennel Club pet dog show is a pro Plan-fed dog*. Last night, GCH Belle Creek’s All I care about Is Love, or Flynn, for short, a Bichon Frise handled by Bill McFadden, joined an elite group of canine competitors by taking house the special title at the 142nd Westminster Kennel Club pet dog show at Madison Square garden in New York City.

Pro plan fed, Flynn wins 142nd Westminster Kennel Club pet dog show (PRNewsfoto/Purina pro Plan)

Purina pro Plan has a long, rich history in conformation and the sport of purebred dogs. The brand has fueled lots of of the world’s elite dogs to success with ingenious products as well as impressive nutrition. In addition to the “Best in Show” champion from the Non-Sporting Group, the staying six Westminster group winners, in addition to 97 of the top 100 AKC All-Breed show Champions, are Purina pro Plan fed1.

“Our impressive nutrition has been fueling champions in the sound as well as the champion dogs in our own lives for a lot more than 26 years,” said Christi Maginn, brand director, Purina pro Plan. “From James in 2007, to Flynn in 2018, we’re pleased to have been part of 11 champions’ journeys to the Westminster winner’s circle as well as congratulate Flynn and Bill on their well-earned success.”

A leader in the performance nutrition category, Purina pro Plan offers a lot more than 70 formulas across five unique nutritional platforms to satisfy the nutritional needs for dogs of all ages as well as activity levels.

“Though Flynn may not look like an athlete, we believe of him as one and Purina pro Plan has always been a champion of supplying high quality formulas for dogs which assists with the high quality of his coat as well as muscles,” stated McFadden. “We do a great deal of pet dog shows as well as nutrition plays an crucial element for him, so it’s great to have a pet dog food business that has the very best interests for our dogs at heart.”

The ten previous Westminster “Best in Show” winners fueled by Purina pro Plan include:

2016 — GCH Vjk-Myst Garbonita’s California journey (“CJ”), German Shorthaired Pointer

2015 – GCH Ch Tashtins Lookin For difficulty (“Miss P”), Beagle

2014 – GCH Afterall painting The sky (“Sky”), cable Fox Terrier

2013 – GCH Banana Joe V Tani Kazari (“Banana Joe”), Affenpinscher

2012 – GCH Palacegarden Malachy (“Malachy”), Pekingese

2011 – GCH Foxcliffe Hickory Wind (“Hickory”), Scottish Deerhound

2010 – GCH Roundtown Mercedes of Maryscot (“Sadie”), Scottish Terrier

2009 – GCH Clussexx three D Grinchy Glee (“Stump”), Sussex Spaniel

2008 – GCH K-Run’s Park Me In very first (“Uno”), Beagle

2007 – GCH Felicity’s Diamond Jim (“James”), English Springer Spaniel

1 AKC top Dogs All Breed competition through 12/31/2017

Source pr Newswire

Clinician’s short provides major Veterinary seminar pertaining to new York City

partnership between short Media as well as CloserStill Media brings new design of seminar to underserved markets

Brief Media, leading publisher of veterinary recommendation brands Clinician’s Brief, Veterinary team Brief, as well as Plumb’s Veterinary Drugs—and CloserStill Media—organizers of Europe’s greatest veterinary conference, London Vet Show—are pleased to reveal the introduce of the next major seminar for the veterinary community: new York Vet

Coming to the Javits center in new York, new York, on November 9-10, 2017, new York Vet will offer a detailed CE program created particularly for hectic practicing veterinarians. The seminar will likewise showcase the very best of veterinary marketplaces in a vibrant display hall that serves as the epicenter of the event.

The joint venture between short Media as well as CloserStill Media results in a seminar that breaks the mold of existing, long-form conferences that may need veterinary experts to be out of the healthcare facility for prolonged periods.

Brief Media creator as well as CEO Elizabeth eco-friendly explains, “All of our brands at short Media have been established with the function of supplying extremely functional material that can be consumed in very little time. No exception to this principle, this event now brings special new styles of instantly applicable scientific as well as service info in a online event.”

Green likewise notes that “the partnership with CloserStill Media, a business widely known for their remarkable veterinary events, is an evident option to broaden our extremely regarded material into a online experience.”

New York Vet will embrace a style proven to be successful in Europe—that of CloserStill Media’s award-winning veterinary conferences operating in London, Paris, as well as Cologne. using high-quality, affordable CE chances that include several tracks of sessions as well as workshops, this style provides guests the chance to engage with leading visionaries in little animal medicine—all for a affordable price.

Rob Chapman, head of the veterinary portfolio for CloserStill Media, comments: “This technique has been genuinely transformative in other countries. It appeals to the new demographic of veterinarians. It has enabled us to produce genuinely dynamic as well as interesting events that supply veterinarians with useful as well as functional discovering as well as likewise supplies exhibitors with a special sales opportunity.”

New York Vet event director Stephen Knowles adds, “CloserStill Media as well as short Media are thrilled to be bringing Europe’s largest vet event to the world’s largest veterinary market. The Northeast American region is under-served, as well as with vets dealing with considerable modifications to CE requirements, new York Vet solves a genuine as well as growing requirement for veterinarians as well as suppliers.”

About short Media

Brief Media is a trusted service provider of academic info as well as point-of-care tools for little animal veterinary professionals as well as their teams, as well as a valued resource for veterinary marketers. The short trio of peer-reviewed publications—Clinician’s Brief, Veterinary team Brief, as well as Plumb’s Therapeutics Brief—offers visitors an in-the-trenches point of view on little animal scientific topics, communication as well as leadership, as well as pharmacology with a steadfast focus on practical, real-world applications. The company’s most current endeavor—Plumb’s Veterinary Drugs—is the official on the internet version of Plumb’s. With its rapid, nimble browse abilities as well as easy-to-use style (optimized for smartphones, tablets, or computers), Plumb’s Veterinary medications assists veterinarians swiftly discover the medication info they need, making this a must-have resource for all veterinary professionals.

About CloserStill Media

CloserStill Media—ranked as #10 in the 2016 Sunday Times HSBC worldwide Track 200—specializes in high-value, content-driven events as well as the nurturing of business-to-business or expert communities. The business operates chiefly in the healthcare as well as innovation markets with events in London, Birmingham, Paris, Frankfurt, Hong Kong as well as Singapore. Their portfolio includes a few of the fastest growing, as well as frequently award winning, events including the London Vet Show, Cloud Expo Europe, The Pharmacy Show, discovering Technologies, as well as The Dentistry Show.


Feature picture “Empire specify – new York City” by Sam Valadi, utilized under a innovative Commons license.