Taxes and gratitude

Over the last few days leading up to tax Day, I’ve been hearing a lot of people complain about having to write a check to the IRS, about how much they have to pay in taxes, and about how everything just keeps getting more and more expensive.  This seems to be the prevailing “story” and it makes for good conversation around the water cooler and in social situations, because it’s something everybody can agree on, right?

Well, maybe you should rethink how you think and talk about taxes and money in general.  thoughts and words carry energy and send a vibration into the world.  The vibration you send out guides what you attract into your life, so by thinking and talking about money from a place of lack and scarcity, you will only attract more of the same into your life.

Why not change your story and think about money from a place of gratitude?  If you didn’t have to pay taxes, it would mean you’re not making any money.  write that check to the IRS from a place of appreciation!  I know – it’s a leap in consciousness, but shifting how you view money really works.

The following is an excerpt from an Abraham Hicks workshop set to beautiful music and lovely images from nature.  It’s a wonderful explanation of how your money situation can’t change unless you change your vibration.  The music and images enhance the message by reinforcing Abraham’s core teachings of allowing things into your life by being in a state of appreciation.


Ingrid King

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