
Playing with some dogs!

Today will be one of the coldest days of the year, even for Fargo. The low is something around -17 F with a windchill of -30 or more.

I like these days. I like them every year.

As a Minnesota kid, I was always outside in the winters. I would be out running as well as wresting as well as playing with my golden retriever Kacy no matter exactly how chilly it got.

On Jan. 18, 1994, Gov. Arne Carlson ordered all Minnesota public institutions closed since of the extreme cold. morning air temperature readings were -26 degrees F in the twin Cities at 9 a.m. with a wind chill temperature of -48 degrees F, according to the university of Minnesota.

I was 10.

To this day, Arne is a hero in my eyes as he most likely is for all Minnesota “kids” who are now about 25 to 35 years old. He cancelled all public institution for the whole specify more than once. I don’t believe the specify does this anymore in situation some youngster doesn’t get the memo as well as waits outside for a nonexistent bus.

I keep in mind these “snow days.”

Although it was obviously as well dangerous for youngsters to be out waiting on the bus, I spent at least that amount of time romping around with Kacy in the backyard.

We seemed to make it through just fine. We didn’t requirement an “extreme chilly warning” to understand when to wear an additional pair of gloves or when to head inside.

I question what my 10-year-old self would believe of my 28-year-old self.

Playing in the snow? With dogs? As a job? As an “adult”?

Not bad.

Above is my good friend Ruby. She is in her element. just one more day!

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