
PetMeds® remedy for cat with Dandruff

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This week we highlight questions asked by our PetMeds Facebook fans and answered by Dr. Dym.

PetMeds customer Question:  My tuxedo always has what looks like bad dandruff, which is many visibly on the black areas of her coat. could you please make a idea for excessive dry skin in felines?

One of the much more common skin complaints of feline guardians concerning their cat’s coat is the appearance of dry flakes or dander obvious on the darker areas of the coat. There are numerous possible causes of this dandruff-like appearance. certainly changes in humidity or temperature in the house at different times of year can contribute to dandruff in our pets.  Additionally, other possible causes for dandruff in cats can be:

–         Digestive tract issues including poor diet

–         Intestinal parasites

–         Food allergy/hypersensitivity

–         poor absorption or digestion of nutrients

If a cat is also itchy with a dry coat, various allergies to inhalant/contact allergies, food allergies, and flea bite allergies can also be involved.  certainly any disease in the body can affect coat quality and radiance and result in dandruff or dry skin.  If your cat is otherwise acting normally, conditioners such as 1-800-PetMeds Oatmeal & Aloe Conditioner can help, as well as adding fatty acids to meals such as missing link or Be Well for Cats may help in numerous cases.

If your cat is showing signs of disease or weight loss, than a full medical workup is recommended to sort out potential causes and the best treatment plan. .

Skin and Coat

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