Give your pet dog a single command

I make the mistake of giving my mutt a command a lot more than once. For example, I tell him to sit a lot more than once if he doesn’t do it ideal away. It’s normally something like, “Sit…SIT!”

And then he sits. What I am doing is training him to sit on the second (or third) command, which is not what I want him to do.

Dogs learn from repetition, so if they are used to hearing a command two or three times, they will actually be conditioned to sit after that third command. instead of giving your pet dog the option, put her in a sit position after you say it the first time.

Dogs that are given the same command over and over will learn to neglect the command or think it is optional. I never let my mutt get away with not sitting or lying down when I tell him. I hear people say, “My pet dog is stubborn,” or “She just doesn’t get it.” a lot more likely, the pet dog has learned it’s ok not to listen.

You can train your pet dog to respond quicker by not giving her too much time to respond once she knows a command.

For example, when I tell Ace “down,” he has gotten into the routine of slowly scooting to the down position, leaving his butt up for a second, stretching and then lying down. He does this whenever because I have allowed it.

To break him of this, I am going to put him in the down position ideal after I say it. It’s better to have a pet dog that reacts quickly, and they can easily be conditioned to do so.

Try doing quick training sessions where you roll off five or six commands very quickly.

Your pet dog will have a terrific time, and it will show her to listen closely and react quickly. Act like your pet dog has just won you a million dollars whenever she does the commands ideal and you will have a quick, obedient dog. just don’t discuss them in the same buy whenever or your pet dog will be conditioned to always do them in the same order.

Related article: Why I don’t repeat commands to my dog.

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