
Daisy’s suggestions for a coal-free Christmas

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Are you ready for the holidays? Christmas is one of my favorite days of the year, on account of it is a special day where I get lots of toys and treats. but did you know that Santa Claws keeps a list of all cats and dogs, and he writes down if they have been naughty or nice? I am pretty certain that the nicer you are, the much more presents you get! but I see a little problem with this system… in some cases I do bad things, but I still want to get lots of presents. Do not worry, I have worked out a service for you!

See, if you act naughty all the time, you might end up getting a bag of COAL from Santa Claws. Coal is not a good present to receive (unless you have some steaks to grill but you forgot to purchase any charcoal). but I think that the essential thing is for Santa Claws to believe that you are a good Cat. So you have two options to guarantee you wind up on the good list:

You can act bad many of the year, but straighten up and fly best in the week or so before Christmas. Santa Claws is really busy at the North pole many of the year making toys, so he doesn’t have time to keep a close eye on all the children and dogs and cats in the world. As long as you act good when he’s making his list, you ought to be okay.

Or, if you unintentionally do some bad things very close to Christmas, just make sure you do them when no one (especially Santa Claws) is looking. Santa is pretty old, so I am pretty sure he goes to bed after the evening news. You can do some bad stuff after that time and your place on the good list ought to still be safe.

I hope my guidance will guarantee you have a pleased holiday filled with love, happiness, and many, numerous bags of treats.

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