How to stop a Puppy From Chewing

Well, unfortunately you can’t stop a puppy from chewing. Puppies need to chew because they are teething.

But, you can prevent them from chewing your shoes and furniture by providing them with appropriate items to chew like bully sticks and toys.

The following are some of our tips to stop a teething puppy from inappropriate chewing.

This post may contain affiliate links. That Mutt may earn money from the companies mentioned in this post.

Why do puppies need to chew everything?

Jump ahead to:

Why do puppies need to chew everything?

Puppies explore with their mouths

Puppies chew when they’re bored!

How long does the puppy chewing stage last?

What is safe for a puppy to chew on?

Puppy teething toys

How to stop a puppy from chewing – 7 tips

1. “Puppy proof” the room to prevent chewing

2. Rotate toys to keep your puppy interested.

3. provide different types of toys for teething puppies.

4. Calmly say “no” when your puppy chews something inappropriate.

5. use bitter apples spray to stop a puppy from chewing

6. Train your puppy to lie down and stay.

7. provide your teething puppy with lots of exercise!

How to stop a puppy from chewing when left alone

How to stop a puppy from chewing shoes

How to stop a puppy from chewing and gnawing furniture

When do puppies lose their baby teeth?

Adult dogs also chew!

Raw bones for chewing

When puppies start teething, their gums hurt, very similar to what human babies experience when their teeth start coming in. They’re going to look for something chewable to ease the pain in their gums.

It’s really important that puppies are offered safe and appropriate items to chew while they go through the teething stage.

Also see our post: stop a puppy from biting!

Puppies explore with their mouths

Puppies are curious and explore their surroundings with their mouths and their paws. They’re just as interested in chewing on one of your fingers as they are on a furniture leg or shoe. It’s simply fun for a puppy to chew and gnaw!

We’ll be showing you ways to redirect your puppy’s random chewing attacks to more proper ways to use his sharp puppy teeth.

That brings us to another reason why puppies chew on everything.

*If you just got a new puppy, download my free puppy training guide. Click Here

Puppies chew when they’re bored!


Teething puppies who are bored are probably the worst combination and will get into considerable chewing mischief unless redirected!

Bored puppies will find something to entertain themselves, and it’s usually something we won’t appreciate.

Things that come to mind are those expensive leather loafers, a wooden furniture leg, clothes, kids’ toys or electrical cords. The list is obviously endless.

The same concept applies to adult dogs, by the way. They can get bored too!

Adult dogs also need an outlet for their boredom. While bored puppies are usually only annoying, adult dogs who aren’t challenged mentally can represent a real danger to themselves and others.

For example, an adult dog might dig themselves out of their yard, just to mention one potentially dangerous situation.

*If you just got a new puppy, download my free puppy training guide. Click Here

How long does the puppy chewing stage last?

Puppies start their teething phase between 5 to 8 weeks of age. but this is only the beginning! the worst chewing stage usually lasts five to six months, and many young dogs continue to chew after that.

Looks cute. also bites!

What is safe for a puppy to chew on?

Puppy teething toys

Bully sticks
Trachea chews
KONG toys
Nylabone chew toys
Himalayan cheese chews

See our post: Which chews are best for puppies?

Our favorite puppy chews are filled, frozen KONG toys. simply fill your puppy’s KONG toys with peanut butter, yogurt or his food, stick them into the freezer overnight, then offer to your puppy.

He’ll be busy entertaining himself for quite some time with his fun chew while soothing his sore gums with the amazing food. 

How to stop a puppy from chewing – 7 tips

1. “Puppy proof” the room to prevent chewing

Lindsay tried to “puppy proof” her living room and home office the best she could by keeping items off the ground. These were the rooms her puppy Remy spent the most time in when he was not in his kennel.

Remy would grab stray socks, cups, pens or pretty much anything that happened to be on the floor! So Lindsay also made sure there were no chargers, head phone chords, etc., dangling at Remy’s eye level.

She kept all her shoes on a small shelf and after telling Remy “no” a few times, he understood shoes on the shelf were off limits. 

She also knew not to trust Remy for more than 3 minutes or so unsupervised. Each pup is different.

*If you just got a new puppy, download my free puppy training guide. Click Here

2. Rotate toys to keep your puppy interested.

Offering a variety of toys helps to keep the puppy’s interest.

Lindsay kept 2 to 4 toys out for her foster puppy Lana at a time. Lana had about 5 favorite toys to chew and play with, so whenever she was not in her kennel, Lindsay chose a few toys to give her.

That way, if Lana tried to chew or grab something like the remote control or a sock, Lindsay would calmly say “no” and then offer Lana a rope toy or ball. “Good girl!”

You can also mix up the kinds of treats you use to stuff in Kongs and other treat-dispensing toys. one day it might be peanut butter and a biscuit the next it might be yogurt or a banana. 

Miss Lana

3. provide different types of toys for teething puppies.

It helps if you know what types of toys your puppy likes to chew the most. Lana loved to chew on rubber Kong-type toys, balls and rope toys.

She didn’t care as much for plastic squeaky toys, and she didn’t get to have stuffed toys because she ruined them immediately!

Same goes with edible chews. Some puppies like to chew on Himalayan cheese chews or bully sticks while others might like Greenies or hooves.

4. Calmly say “no” when your puppy chews something inappropriate.

Rather than ignoring Lana for chewing something, Lindsay would calmly and firmly tell her “no” and then quickly offer her a toy and reward her.

Some trainers will tell you to just ignore unwanted behavior, which is a terrific idea for many scenarios. For chewing, we like to catch the puppy right before she has a chance to chew or right as she has the item and tell her “no.”

Look at this crazy dog:

5. use bitter apples spray to stop a puppy from chewing

If your puppy just can not seem to leave certain items alone such as a table leg, bitter apple spray is one tool to consider.

Bitter apple spray is just as it sounds. It’s a bad-tasting spray that will not harm your puppy but will hopefully stop her from chewing furniture, her leash, etc.

Some puppies don’t seem to even notice the spray, while it does work well for others.

*If you just got a new puppy, download my free puppy training guide. Click Here

6. Train your puppy to lie down and stay.

Teaching your puppy all the basic obedience commands like sit, down, stay and come will help her build more self-control overall.

The most valuable command when dealing with chewing is “stay.” That way, you can put your puppy in a down/stay, and she will stay there for at least short periods of time. start with just a second or two, of course, and slowly work up to 30 seconds, 1 minute, 5 mins, etc.

7. provide your teething puppy with lots of exercise!

Increasing your teething puppy’s exercise is not going to stop her from chewing, but it will decrease her energy overall which means she is more likely to relax and just lie down.

OK … sometimes it may seem like your puppy is never going to be tired, but increased exercise can only help. Make sure your puppy is getting time to run and play in an off-leash area if possible, and make sure to take her on long walks.

See my post on walking a puppy before she’s had her vaccinations.

How to stop a puppy from chewing when left alone

Use a kennel or gated-off area when you can’t supervise.

When Lindsay couldn’t supervise Lana, she left her in her kennel. even if Lana was left alone for 15 minutes while Lindsay took a shower, it was just easier to leave Lana in her kennel.

Leaving her alone for even 10 minutes would give her way too much time to chew something she shouldn’t.

We like to recommend a kennel (crate), but you could also try gating off a bathroom or kitchen area or perhaps using an exercise pen, which is a gate set up sort of like a toddler’s “play pen.”

When your puppy is alone, you want to leave her some tempting, appropriate items to chew on like a Kong toy. It also helps to provide exercise before you leave and again when you return.

How to stop a puppy from chewing shoes

Prevention is always our first approach when it comes to puppies chewing on items they’re not supposed to be chewing. That’s why our top three tips to stop a puppy from chewing shoes are:

1) Don’t leaveshoes out and within the puppy’s reach

2) offer your puppy an appropriate chewing alternative to shoes 

3) Crate/kennel your puppy when you can’t actively watch her or keep her contained inside a play pen

If your puppy managed to sneak a shoe and you’re catching her chewing it, gently take the shoe away and offer your puppy something appropriate to chew on instead. This could be a dehydrated chew, a rubber toy, or a filled dog food puzzle.

Don’t make a substantial deal out of it, but firmly say “NO” while your puppy chews on the shoe, then take it away from her. 

This scenario would also be a good opportunity to introduce your puppy to the “leave it” command if she doesn’t know it yet. say “leave it” the very moment she drops the shoe and goes for the appropriate chew (toy) instead. 

If you come home to chewed up shoes and your puppy is the obvious one to blame, don’t. She won’t be able to make the connection between the destroyed shoes and your anger.

Instead, blame yourself for having left the shoes out within your puppy’s reach and promise yourself it won’t happen again.

Remove the shoes, take your puppy out for a walk or some playtime, then offer her a puppy proof chew. You’d have to catch your puppy in the chewing act to make her understand why you’re upset because dogs live in the present. 

*If you just got a new puppy, download my free puppy training guide. Click Here

How to stop a puppy from chewing and gnawing furniture

Furniture legs are particularly tempting for puppies to chew on because they’re usually made of wood, and which puppy doesn’t like a nice wooden stick to chew on?! 

But all jokes aside, the same three concepts apply that we mentioned in the previous section how to stop a puppy from chewing shoes:

1) Don’t leave your puppy out within easy reach of the furniture 

2) offer your puppy an appropriate chewing alternative to furniture 

3) Crate your puppy when you can’t actively watch her or keep her contained inside a play pen

If you catch your puppy in the act of chewing on your dining room table’s legs, give her a firm “NO.” Then, redirect her to an appropriate puppy chew (toy). You could also try the bitter apple spray approach or a similar chew deterrent and spray your furniture legs, fabric or door frames.

When do puppies lose their baby teeth?

Most puppies lose their sharp puppy teeth at around 12 weeks old. Puppies lose their baby teeth slowly over a couple of weeks.

You might notice a puppy tooth on the ground (they hurt to step on!). Or, you might never even see them as many puppies end up swallowing their baby teeth while eating or – surprise, surprise – while chewing!

From this point onward, their adult teeth will slowly start to come in. 

They puppy will have his adult teeth by around six months old, but that does not mean the chewing stage is over!

*If you just got a new puppy, download my free puppy training guide. Click Here

Adult dogs also chew!

Young adult dogs as well as older dogs might continue to chew because:

it’s an instinctual need
chewing & gnawing exercises their jaws
it engages them mentally
relieves boredom
some dogs are just naturally inclined to chew more than others

Barbara’s dog Wally was 1.5 years young when she adopted him, and she quickly noticed that Wally most definitely likes to chew!

He didn’t get into anything inappropriate because he had plenty of dog specific chewing options, but he did manage to destroy a puppy KONG toy Barbara had left over from her previous dogs.

Wally simply gave it a good bite one da

Benefits of green Lipped Mussels For Dogs

green lipped mussels (GLMs) are mussels that can only be found off the coast of new Zealand. They’re a natural joint health supplement for dogs (AND us humans, too!). They can be fed whole, either raw, air-dried, dehydrated or as a powder.

I started adding air-dried and dehydrated green lipped mussels to Missy’s & Buzz’s diet back in 2016. Neither of them had joint issues, but I figured it’d be a good preventative measure to help keep arthritis as far away as possible.

I hadn’t been able to find a raw source of green lipped mussels, so when I discovered that Raw Feeding Miami (RFM) started carrying them recently and had them on sale, I couldn’t help but place an order.

They came in six 2.2 lb bags totaling 13.2 lbs and arrived frozen, as typical when I purchase cuts of raw meat from RFM. Each bag ended up being $8.80 instead of $10.80. It’s kind of funny that I went ahead and purchased them when you think about it because I’m technically dog-less best now.

Here’s what the mussels look like:

Raw GLMs are a little challenging to find, so I’ll just be freezing the large majority of these babies until the day I’ll be an active raw feeder again.

I’ll share a few with my friend’s golden retriever Lucy in the meantime. She’s seven and is starting to relocation a little slower.

Benefits of green lipped mussels for dogs

Here’s what makes GLMs so important on a nutritious level – they’re a natural source of



Omega fatty acids



All of these make them a terrific anti-inflammatory food that alleviates joint pain, promotes skin & coat health, as well as brain function.

How to feed your canine green lipped mussels

Air dried or dehydrated

Green lipped mussels can either be fed raw, air-dried or dehydrated. I personally have purchased air-dried ones from real Pet Box and dehydrated ones from Boo Boo’s Best.

Missy & Buzz loved both options. I also discovered that The truthful kitchen started selling dehydrated green lipped mussels, and I’m sure there’s probably a few other brands that carry them as well.

It’s up to you whether you want to feed a whole dehydrated mussel as a treat or top your pup’s food with one or two (depending on your dog’s size). Dogs over 50 lbs can have 1 mussel per day. Those weighing less are fine with half a mussel or a smaller one. The ones I purchased from Raw Feeding Miami do vary in size.

Green Lipped Mussel power

I’ve seen GLM Powder on Amazon, but I was never able to find one that really only consisted of GLMs. There was always some other ingredient(s), so I simply crushed some dehydrated GLMs from Boo Boo’s best to create my very own powder.

I sprinkled it on top of Missy’s & Buzz’s raw meals and also added it to whatever filling I came up with for our KONGs (hollow canine toys that can be used as a food puzzle).

The dehydrated mussels are fairly difficult as far as their consistency is concerned. They don’t break apart easily, which is why I’d recommend feeding smaller dogs fresh mussels that have been cut up into smaller bites. You could also crush dehydrated mussels into a powder.

Raw green lipped mussels for dogs

Raw GLMs can easily be cut into smaller pieces, and don’t come with a strong fishy odor. You could always wear disposable gloves when dealing with them if you’re not crazy about touching seafood.

I personally like seafood and got used to dealing with raw animal parts when preparing Missy & Buzz’s raw meals, so I never wore gloves.

I did, however, make sure to thoroughly wash my hands with hot water & soap and wipe down all surfaces that came in contact with the raw food. You know, just like I would when dealing with raw meat for myself.

When not to feed your canine green lipped mussels

A word of caution – don’t feed your canine GLMs if he or she is allergic to shellfish.

You can find out which food sources your canine does poorly on by taking a easy test. Your vet might offer one, and there are also several different tests available online.

I wrote a promotional blog post for a company called Pet Medella that provides so called “bioenergetic scans.” I found out that Missy didn’t do well on lamb. All I had to do was to send in a saliva and hair sample. The price label is $150, although it was totally free for us in return for blogging about it.

Do you think your canine could your canine benefit from green lipped mussels?

Let us know in the comments! Also, let us know if you have any questions.

Barbara Rivers writes frequently for That Mutt. She is a blogger, raw feeder and professional canine walker and maintains the blog K9s Over Coffee. 

Related posts:

Green tripe for dogs

DIY raw canine food recipes

Canines in costume

A doberman in bunny ears, a pug in a poultry suit, a Bernese mountain canine as King Tut. Wow, who understood dogs other than chihuahuas got dressed up? At very first I believed “InDognito: A book of Canines in Costume” by Karen Ngo would be just one more dog-photo book that’s been done as well numerous times. Well, it quite much is. however that’s okay since people always like to look at adorable animals, particularly dogs.

It was good to see a range of breeds  (photo below is not one of Ngo’s photos). even a few mutts dressed in their finest as well as made an appearance. Paging with “InDognito,” I was jealous I didn’t come up with this concept first. I believed of doing something similar like “mutts in drag,” however I don’t believe that would review as well. These pictures are gorgeous, showing each private dog’s character – or at least tolerance.

I am not one to gown up my pets, however it is funny to embarrass as well as annoy them every now as well as then (like by throwing them a birthday party). I have thought about dressing my feline Scout up as a princess this Halloween just since it would be cute. Is that bad?

Well, if you’re into adorable canine photos as well as dressing up your dog, you would truly delight in the book “InDognito.” Or, you might provide it away as a gift, which is what I’m going to do.

If you’d like a possibility to win a copy of InDognito ($19.99, Hachette book group US), I am providing a contest. There will be two winners, one will get a copy of “InDognito” as well as the other will get a copy of “Bliss to You,” by golden retriever Trixie Koontz. There are three methods to enter. You can select one or go into all three methods if you wish:

1. compose a guest publish for That Mutt

2. compose a evaluation of That Mutt

3. response the complying with concerns about That Mutt either by emailing me at or leaving me a comment:
– What have you discovered from my blog? exactly how has it assisted you?
– What kinds of messages do you delight in reading (30-day challenges, personal stories of Ace as well as I, breed profiles, regular questions, training as well as habits posts, etc.)
– What messages do you avoid over or discover truly tiring (see above)?
– What would you like to see much more of?
– Anything else?

The contest ends Thursday, Oct. 2 at noon. anybody who enters will get a link as well as mention on my blog. Of course, I will publish all guest messages presuming they are suitable for my blog.

Thank you!

(Image from


How to calm an excited dog

My mutt Ace immediately becomes hyper in specific circumstances regardless of exactly how much exercise he’s had. as well as hyper is an understatement.

A lack of exercise is the cause behind most dog habits problems, however not all. What I’m referring to in this publish is a dog’s habits problems associated to his state of mind.

Ace’s “problem areas” include agility as well as retrieving. Ace is obsessive as well as extremely excited during both these activities to the point where I ended up being frustrated since I can’t manage my dog. increasing his exercise is not the answer.

I can take Ace out on an 8-mile bike trip before we go to agility as well as he will be nice as well as tired. however as soon as we step onto the course, he becomes a different dog as he enters an excited specify of mind. This is why exercise alone with my dog running business does not immediately calm a dog down. We method obedience in the exact same space on a different night as well as even if Ace has had no exercise, he is calm as well as responsive.

It is the environment as well as the energy as well as enjoyment from the other dogs, handlers, fitness instructors as well as myself that impact Ace’s behavior. That, as well as he’s been conditioned as well as motivated to act excited during agility for the last two as well as a half years. instead of growing as a team, Ace as well as I are now worse than we were on our very first night of agility!

Dog happiness vs. dog excitement

It’s so simple for people to error obsessive habits in dogs for happiness. Don’t get me wrong, my dog likes agility as well as he likes chasing a ball. however a border collie that obsessively herds the neighbor dog along the fence is not happy – she has issues. as well as a dog that will chase a Frisbee nonstop all the time daily does not “love” her toy, she is obsessive.

Ace shows many indications of unhealthy enjoyment during agility such as mad barking, fixating on my hands to the point of nipping, staring without blinking, trembling, foaming at the mouth as well as being not able to comply with fundamental commands. right here is a video as well as publish about my dog barking during agility a year ago. I’ve made no development addressing this issue.

Ace has likewise had an obvious tennis sphere obsession for as long as I’ve understood him. If provided the option, Ace will never stop chasing a sphere as long as somebody will keep throwing it. It would take literal exhaustion or a heart assault to get him to stop on his own. Of course, I always step in before it reaches that point.

Over-scheduled dogs

I was one of those over-scheduled teens – band, rugby, swimming, woman scouts, piano lessons, an after institution task as well as pit orchestra. Thanks, mom as well as Dad! I still keep my routine full, as well as I have a difficult time relaxing. It’s no question I have regular organized activities for my dog also – agility, obedience, playdates.

In truth it is not necessary to pack our active dogs’ routines with agility, flyball, dog playdates, dog daycare, trips to the dog park as well as nonstop games of fetch. If anything, these type of activities get our dogs even more wound up when what they truly requirement is to discover to sit still, appreciate downtime as well as feel comfortable when left alone.

Dogs are not children. Dogs don’t requirement to have activities organized for them every moment of the day. It’s really quite stressful for dogs, particularly when their owners are frantically running from one thing to the next. I’m quite sure youngsters might utilize a few less activities as well.

Reward a dog’s calm behavior

So exactly how can a dog owner condition her dog to be calmer? I’d definitely like to hear your ideas. right here are mine:

Dog owners who have dogs that quickly slip into an excited specify of mind should of program make sure the dog is getting sufficient exercise, training as well as socialization. An hour run every day is not unreasonable if you have a high-energy dog such as a springer spaniel.

But presuming the dog gets a reasonable amount of exercise as well as consistent rules, a huge part of the equation is to reward the dog for being calm as well as to provide him time daily to method being calm in different situations. That means the owner must seek out these “problem” environments rather than prevent them.

If your dog is extremely anxious at the vet, then you should go to the vet lobby twice a week.

Break the conditioning process into small, achievable steps.

If your dog is out of manage with enjoyment when you get to the dog park, then go to the dog park daily while conditioning your dog that he gets rewarded when he is calm. He can’t get out of the vehicle up until he’s lying down as well as peaceful for 30 seconds. He can’t go into the park up until he sits as well as stays without whining or barking for 10 seconds, etc.

In circumstances where the dog’s stress and anxiety is so intense that he will not calm down, try an e-collar on a low setting as well as then reward him the immediate he is calmer.

One goal of mine is to understand that I can take my dog anywhere as well as trust that he has a dependable down-stay for as much as 15 minutes. My dog has discovered that he can get away with not listening to me in specific circumstances such as when somebody comes to the door or when we satisfy a new dog while out as well as about.

Getting a dog to be calm in any type of circumstance will not occur right away, however in steps.

Ace is so excited the second we step onto the agility program that I now acknowledge I have to very first method entering the program while Ace is calm. If he is not calm before we begin our run-through, there’s no method he’s going to calm down during it. This means I will have to modification my mindset as well. I can’t rush with the program as many fitness instructors suggest we do. I can’t shower Ace with treats or utilize an excited voice or sprint ahead. all of these actions motivate the opposite of what I want to accomplish.

If I can’t be calm, there’s no method my dog can be calm.

Like whatever with this mutt, it’s a work in progress.

What concepts do you have for calming a dog from an excited specify of mind?

Sign up for my newsletter right here to get my finest material by email twice a month.


That Mutt Life: What we’ve been up to – December

just a bit about what we’ve been up to lately …

Thanks again to Lola the Pitty for the idea to write a personal update every now and then. often it’s great to get to know the person behind the blog.

You can also read my first That Mutt Life post here.

Thanksgiving travel

We made the 750-mile drive up to the logging town of Weed, Calif., where my spouse Josh’s grandparents live. Yes, Weed. You have to be crazy to drive from one end of California to the other in one day. I’ve done this a few times now. It takes at least 10 hours (cat and pet dog along too). On the way back, we checked out a lot more family.

Here I am out for a walk in Weed.

The one that got away …

We came close to adopting this 7-month-old German shepherd/malinois mix from Labs & More. We made it through the adoption process (wasn’t easy) and met her at the foster’s home. Ace played with her, and they got along so well.

Ultimately, we made a decision we weren’t quite ready to adopt. Plus, the pet dog was a little too shy in new environments and around other dogs. considering that we love taking our dog/s to coffee shops, outdoor restaurants, the pet dog beach, etc., we made a decision she wasn’t the ideal one for us.

Anyway, we’re now approved to adopt from this rescue when we decide we’re ready and when we find the ideal dog. There’s no shortage of dogs in need of homes.

Local hikes

Although we live a mile from the beach, hiking is what I really enjoy. Our area has lots of trails for horses, bikers and dogs. We live ideal by the Del Mar horse racing track, and this gives the area an (almost) rural feel. There are stables all over, and our grocery store sells gigantic bags of carrots as horse treats.

I’m so lucky I get to walk and run my clients’ dogs here. It reminds me of where I grew up, on the edge of the twin Cities suburbs where urban and rural overlap. I’m absolutely not a city girl. I’m a lot more of a wannabe country girl.

Here’s one of my running buddies, Nina.

My mutt Ace

Ace has had some sore joints this year, but he’s improved considering that June. I’ve also found a couple of bumps and bulges on him. I know this is common for older dogs, and I’m hoping they are nothing serious. Yes, I’ve been talking with the vet. *Update: Ace got a good report from the vet! He’s OK!

Overall, Ace is doing terrific and I’m just thankful to have him in my life.

My cats

Here they are. That is all. ?


We’ll be having a quiet, kicking back Christmas Eve and Christmas at home. While I’m sad we won’t be seeing my parents or other family, I’m also really ecstatic to Just. Relax.

Christmas Eve is my favorite day of the year. I have so lots of good memories of my brothers and parents and grandparents. and the day normally involves a serene walk with my dog/s. Also, a Starbucks hot chocolate. We open our presents Christmas Eve night because that is our tradition, and why wait?

So that’s about it!

I know I’m lucky to be doing what I love and what I always knew I would do in one way or another – write about dogs.

As always, I’d love if you left a comment to say hi. It’s great to know who’s reading. Or, shoot me an email ( to let me know what’s new with you.

You can also sign up for my email updates here. You’ll hear from me about twice a month with what I believe is my best content.

Take care, and have a terrific holiday season.

– Lindsay (and Josh and Ace, Beamer and Scout)


Pedigree Dogs exposed

just wanted to mention that a documentary called “Pedigree Dogs Exposed” is on at 7 p.m. as well as 10 p.m. (CST) on BBC America Thursday night (Dec. 10).

The documentary investigates the genetic diseases as well as other health and wellness problems in pedigree dogs, according to

I expect the documentary to be quite graphic, sickening as well as sad, however well worth the enjoy if you call yourself a canine lover. One of the examples provided in the documentary description includes Cavalier King Charles spaniels with heads too small for their brains.

Let me understand if you catch the documentary as well as what your thoughts are on the issue.

Thanks Meredith for bringing this to my attention.


How to choose a pet sitter

how to choose a pet sitter? While there’s nothing wrong with hiring a neighbor or a pal to view your pets, these suggestions are for people who are wanting to hire a professional.

Each pet has different needs, and every pet sitter has different strengths so it’s about finding the best match. I own a professional canine sitting business in Del Mar, Calif., and I can tell you that not all pet sitters are the same. Some are very good at what they do. Others are quite lazy. Others employ a bunch of college kids who may or may not be reliable.

Here are some suggestions on how to choose a pet sitter.

How to choose a pet sitter

Find an actual pet sitting business.

Most pet sitting companies are owned and operated by one or two people. Some have a few employees, but many are running the companies themselves. They will likely take pride in their work, offer a terrific service, carry insurance, accept credit report card payments and keep in contact with you frequently while you are away. They will likely be reliable, with a broad variety of experience. You ought to be able to find pet sitters in your area through a Google search such as “Fargo pet sitting.” Don’t bother with a phone book. Intelligent pet sitters don’t waste their money on those listings.

Don’t hire a pet sitter off of Craigslist.

You will likely be able to find individuals advertising pet sitting services through Craigslist, or many of these are students who love animals and are searching for some extra cash. While many of them are hopefully reliable, they usually do not have actual companies set up. They may not know how to deal with powerful dogs. They may not know what to do in an emergency. They many likely will not carry insurance.

Ask the pet sitter for references.

Don’t count on someone with a essential to your home without asking for a few references first. The pet sitter may list testimonials on her web site. It’s also sensible to ask for additional references. call or email each reference and ask questions such as:

How did you feel about the pet sitting services your animals received?

Did your animals seem comfortable with the pet sitter?

Was your house kept as clean as you left it?

Were the dogs walked?

Did the pet sitter touch base with you every day?

Were her rates reasonable?

Were there any problems?

Would you hire her again?

Make sure the pet sitter carries pet sitting insurance.

A pet sitter who does not carry insurance is either just starting a pet sitting company or she isn’t taking her company very seriously. Pet sitting insurance is not expensive for the pet sitter (less than $200 per year), but it will cover her if she unintentionally damages a client’s home or if a client’s canine bites someone, etc.

You want your pet sitter to have insurance for your sake because you don’t want to get stuck with the bills if she damages your home or if your canine bites someone while under her care, etc. If she has employees, she ought to also be bonded in case one of those employees steals something.

Judge a pet sitting company by its web site.

A major company owner wants to give off a good impression. Her web site is the first thing a potential client will see. If her pet sitting web site is clean and professional, that is a good sign.

Don’t hire the most affordable pet sitter.

You ought to expect to pay a pet sitter at least $20 for each half-hour visit, but the rates will vary depending on where you live. You certainly want to hire a pet sitter based on your impressions of the business, not on the rates. low-cost rates may also imply poor service (although not necessarily).

A pet sitter might have the lowest rates for a variety of reasons. many likely she’s just starting out and trying to acquire new clients. She might also be a student or someone searching for some extra cash as a side job. Or, she might not value herself as highly as she should. For much more info, see my post on what to charge for pet sitting.

Ask the pet sitter what her rates include.

Most pet sitters offer 20-minute, 30-minute or 45-minute visits. Make sure to ask what is included in those visits. Is there an extra charge for canine walking? She does offer canine walking as an option, right? many dogs need to opt for walks. Does she charge extra for medications? will she wipe up muddy paws, bring in your mail and scoop the litter box? Make sure to ask so you are both on the same page.

Set up a meet and greet with the pet sitter.

Most pet sitters will want to set up a totally free meet and greet at your home prior to taking care of your animals for the first time. This is when you ought to have a essential ready for the pet sitter and any requested pet sitting formsfilled out. The pet sitter may ask you to offer vaccination records or to sign a liability contract. all of these requests are reasonable.

During the meet and greet, make sure to ask all your questions such as how typically she will check out your pets, how she will keep in touch with you and so on. For more, see my post on what to ask a pet sitter. This is also the time to show her your pets’ typical routines such as where you keep the food, where the animals sleep, where the leashes are, etc. Take note of how your animals act around the pet sitter.

Trust your instincts.

The pet sitter may be the greatest pet sitter in the world, but if you are not comfortable with her, then you will just worry while you are away. You are giving this person a essential to your home and trusting her with your animals, so it has to feel right. Hiring a pet sitter is about decreasing the tension for the animals and the owner. If something just doesn’t seem best about the person, then contact a different pet sitter or consider leaving your animals at a boarding kennel. Hiring a pet sitter is not for everyone, and if you do hire a pet sitter, you need to find one you are comfortable with.

What would you suggest for how to choose a pet sitter?

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Missing authorities canine safely house after 2 months

practically two months after he went missing, a Wilmington (Ohio) K-9 policeman has been found, according to WCPO news in Cincinatti.

The 3-year-old Belgian malinois named Karson went missing Dec. 23 as well as was found Sunday.

I like this breed, as well as I’m amazed the canine survived on his own for two winter season months.

From WCPO:

Pam Jones as well as her other half found the canine as well as called 911.

Jones is one of the estimated 20,000 people who went out searching for Karson over the past 61 days so she felt quite sure it was Karson. however she wasn’t specific at very first since of the method his ears looked.

“We found an animal to our best however his ears type of were down. however when that confirmation came that yes, that’s him, then I believe all bets were off,” she said. “We were getting that dog.”

Jones, a expert photographer, pulled out her video camera as well as documented the reunion between Popp as well as Karson.

Karson lost about 14 pounds, however appears fine otherwise, WCPO said. He survived two bitterly chilly periods, as well as back in January Popp had stated he believed Karson might make it through outdoors in wind chills falling to -20 degrees F.

A Facebook page devoted to sightings of Karson had much more than 27,900 fans.

The pictures below were taken by Jones, the expert professional photographer who found Karson. She published these on her Facebook page:

Full story

Do you believe your canine would make it through two months on the run?

Top picture from the Facebook page devoted to discovering Karson.

Bitter apple spray works to stop chewing

have you believed about providing bitter apple spray a try to keep your puppy or adult dog from destroying stuff? Well, you’ve come to the right location since today, I’m going to cover exactly how it works, in addition to what you should be conscious of in order to utilize it safely as well as effectively.

Hi, I’m Barbara Rivers as well as I compose routinely for That Mutt. I’m a blogger, raw feeder as well as dog walker as well as preserve the blog K9s Over Coffee. This publish contains affiliate links.

Let’s begin by defining what bitter apple spray is.

What is bitter apple spray?

Bitter apple spray is an anti-chew spray for dogs that works to discourage a dog’s chewing as well as other poor habits. It’s essentially a bad, bitter tasting liquid you can spray on furniture, leashes, cables, your hands as well as dogs’ bodies to get them to stop licking or chewing that area.

It tastes bad, so they tend to prevent it. That said, it can be a useful tool in dog training in addition to wound healing, as well as it’s likewise offered for cats.

Pros/cons of bitter apple spray

Here’s a quick overview for you before I dive into more detail:

Quick repair for many problems
Some sprays can be utilized for cats as well

Not a long term solution
Trial as well as error
Can leave stains

How to utilize anti chew spray for dogs

You can utilize anti chew spray to stop: 

Biting hands. 
Chewing furniture.     
Biting the leash.    
Licking paws.
Destroying cables as well as wires.
Chewing kids’ toys.
Licking at wounds.

To do this, spray the product or your hands with the bitter apple spray, as well as make sure your dog gets a lick of it, too. Observe exactly how your dog reacts to it. If he doesn’t like it, he’ll make “faces”, repeatedly stand out his tongue, as well as shake his head. You’ll have to reapply the spray several times, likely for days as well as perhaps even weeks. Some dogs discover quickly, others are more stubborn.

Tip: comprehend your dog’s motivation behind his inappropriate chewing, biting or licking. That method you can integrate a long-lasting approach towards fixing the issue for great with the bitter apple spray as a temporary, quick fix.

Ask yourself these questions:

Is my dog bored?
Dogs requirement a decent amount of physical as well as mental stimulation every day, so think about walking him more as well as providing him gain access to to dog-friendly (chew-) toys. For example, a stuffed rubber Kong toy or a treat dispensing Kong Wobbler toy, a bully stick, a frozen beef trachea, or let him sniff out some treats you hide in a snuffle mat.

Is my puppy teething?
Puppies are looking to reduce their hurting gums when they’re teething as well as requirement appropriate chews and/or chew toys. If they don’t have gain access to to those, they’ll look for anything else they can chew on instead. For example, your furniture, shoes, or your kids’ toys. Stuffed puppy Kong toys as well as smaller bully sticks will provide enormous relief for your puppy.

Does my dog requirement to discover impulse control?
Teach him the “leave it” command for when you want him to stop chewing or biting on inappropriate products as well as human body parts. To do this, offer him a high value treat or a preferred toy when you want him to “leave” whatever he has in his mouth. Alternatively, you can likewise offer him a preferred toy. Whatever works finest to redirect his interest from one product to the other. likewise don’t failed to remember to offer verbal praise for a task well done. You can state things like great boy!, or Yes!

Is my dog anxious?
Anxious dogs quickly get spooked by unexpected noises they’re unfamiliar with. They may likewise refrain from doing well with being left alone. As a result, they redirect that fearful energy into chewing on inappropriate things like your furniture. To assist your dog cope with this, make sure you exercise him properly before you leave him house alone. A tired dog is much less likely to act up than one who’s full of energy. likewise leave him appropriate doggie chews as well as toys to entertain himself with. put up shoes, leashes, etc. to ensure that he can’t get to them in the very first place. close your kids’ spaces doors, as well as think about crating your pup or gating off areas you don’t want him in. Additionally, spray products like furniture legs or cables with the bitter apple spray.

Bitter apple spray ingredients

Now that you understand exactly how to utilize the spray, let’s discuss which one you should buy. After all, there are a range of bitter apple sprays with different formulas, as well as some are likewise offered as a gel. My suggestion is to utilize brands thatdon’t utilize harsh chemical components like isopropanol as well as propylene glycol. It likewise shouldn’t contain tea tree oil since it’s poisonous to dogs (and cats).

In general, I’d state the shorter the component list, the better. likewise look out for warnings that state not to spray it directly on your pet. Instead, go for something that’s risk-free to spray on your pet as well as plants, including his skin. For example, the complying with sprays are risk-free to be sprayed directly on your pet:

Fooey! Ultra-Bitter training aid Spray 

Ingredients: Water, all natural bitter principles as well as extractives, preservatives.

NaturVet – Bitter Yuck – No Chew Spray

Ingredients: Bittering agent, deionized water, as well as citric acid.

Rocco & Roxie No Chew extreme Bitter Spray

Ingredients: Purified water, emulsifier, copaiba oil, bitter agent, preservative.

Bitter apple spray for dog training

The very first brand Lindsay tried about 20 years back was Grannick’s Bitter Apple. She’s the creator of That Mutt as well as got it for her golden retriever puppy, Brittni, to prevent her from chewing objects, particularly her leather leash during walks. It worked, however it is alcohol based. These are its ingredients: Water, Isopropanol 20%, Bitter Principles as well as Extractive.

Of course, there are other methods to teach a dog not to chew something, however the spray is a quick fix. Brittni did not chew her leather leash once again after she got a taste of the bitter apple spray.

Puppies requirement to be taught limits, like what they can as well as cannot chew, whether or not they are enabled on the furniture as well as not to bite hands.

Obviously, a dog owner can’t spray whatever in the home with bitter apple. however for an particularly difficult puppy that keeps chewing something in particular, or if you requirement to put a stop to something right away, this spray truly does do the trick.

Another plus: Humans can generally not odor it, as well as most sprays will not discolor furniture or clothes. We can taste it though, which you will soon discover if you get it on your hands as well as then touch your mouth.

Bitter apple spray for wound healing

If you’ve ever had to find up with methods to keep your pup from licking a wound after surgical treatment or a skin irritation, you understand exactly how potentially frustrating this experience can be. While stiff cones as well as clothes are useful with keeping your pup away from their wounds, they don’t care much for them. as well as honestly, that’s completely understandable since when you believe about it, getting dressed is a human thing, not an animal thing.

That said, bitter apple spray can really be a great alternate to the cone of pity or dog jackets. That’s since you can apply the spray directly onto your dog’s coat to keep him from chewing his fur. Or to keep your other dog(s) to lick your patient’s fur or wound! You can likewise spray it directly onto the bandage that’s covering a wound.

However, you don’t want to spray it directly into the wound. That would sting as well as be extremely uncomfortable.

Does bitter apple spray work?

Yes as well as no! let me explain what I mean by that.

Some dogs instantly react to the spray in precisely the method we want them to. like the method Lindsay’s golden retriever puppy Brittni did. They taste it, choose it’s gross, as well as then leave whatever it was they were licking or chewing. In Brittni’s case, her leather leash.

Other dogs don’t seem to mind the taste one bit. As in, they continue to lick or chew although it’s covered in bitter apple spray. I made that experience with my previous Boxer mixes Missy as well as Buzz. Neither of them was phased one bit by the very first anti chew spray I bought to keep them from chewing on the baseboards. However, they hated the second one I tried. In combination with mentor them the “leave it” command as well as crating them with puppy appropriate toys when they were house alone, this was a winner.

That’s since different dogs react in a different way to different formulas! So while one dog will be repulsed by Grannick’s Bitter Apple Spray, the next dog won’t mind it, however he’ll dislike Fooey’s Ultra-Bitter training aid Spray instead.

That’s why I suggest to try out a few different ones if your pup doesn’t seem to be phased by the very first anti-chew spray you buy.

Bitter apple spray for cats

Last however not least, let’s talk about bitter apple spray for cats because, let’s deal with it, they can be quite destructive too!

Some chew deterrents are indeed formulated for both dogs as well as cats, which is fantastic news if you’re looking to stopyour kitty from chewing up cables as well as scratching your furniture.

Apply the spray to inappropriate products as well as surfaces your feline targets, however likewise provide your feline with lots of outlets for her bursts of energy. For example, you might get her a scratching tree or a cardboard feline scratcher, as well as engage her in playtime with toys like feather toys as well as rattling mice.

The Fooey! Ultra-Bitter training aid Spray can be utilized on cats as well, as well as so can the NaturVet – Bitter Yuck – No Chew Spray as well as the Rocco & Roxie No Chew extreme Bitter Spray.

Now we’d like to hear from you! have you ever utilized a bitter apple spray? Did it work?

Barbara Rivers composes routinely for That Mutt. She is licensed in raw dog food nutrition from Dogs naturally magazine as well as the author of three ebooks about balanced raw dog food. She is a blog writer at K9s Over Coffee.

This publish contains affiliate links.

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